Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Over There...

Now things are starting to really come toghether, & with me listening to the mighty MC5 I can't stress Come Together enough..

However this is a continuation of the previous style, the face is better refined (via less detail) & over all I'm pretty stoked with this one.

I should stress however that the fact that none of these chicks have legs does not reflect a latent apotemnophilia in myself, it merely comes from the fact that I keep running out of paper.

If I lived in a world of magic or superpowers I think the first power I would acquire would be to infinately extend papers boundarys at will, then perhaps these chicks could walk...

apotemnophilia, look it up. Skulls and Boobs rad AND educational

Check My Chevrons

I think I might have found it, a style of illustration that isn't really a half baked amalgam of other peoples styles. These have been this weeks experiment & I'm finally starting to get excited about drawing in a big way again.

The heads on these particular images I don't like, but the bodies are something different. & for me quite different in general. instead of concentrating on form & proportion (& even initial sketching) I simply threw down lines & circles making up the overal body & then picked the final body out with an exagerated keyline. the yellow outerline & pink highlights are flouro highlighter, a tool that I hate the colour of but love the feel of. I can throw these keylines over the top to pop the character out without out worrying about it messing up my lines. if only I can find them in human colours (decent markers will probably work just as well)

why you need soggy breasted chicks pointing at geometric shapes where their pubes should be I don't know. But if you do. Email me I got a bunch for sale.

He ain't lyin'

Lately I've also been concentrating on ink. I've never liked inking images, I always got nervous when trying to do the lines & fucked up what I thought was a decent pencil sketch. I decided to define my own inking style which emulated my rough 'why use 1 line when you can use 100' pencil style.

This is not the first of these types of images, but it's up there. Please note the deep as fuck message on the banner scroll

The big ring thing behind his head really was a bad idea, I regret it

Don't be Koi.... wow I've been reduced to puns

About 6 years ago I found a koi illustration off a Think skateboard deck (team deck from about 95 I think) that I fell in love with. I vowed to get it tattoo'd on my leg one day. To this day I still haven't done it as I'm a tightass & can't bring myself to pony up the $500 it will probalby take to do it.

Not long ago I worked out it was an illustration by Mike Giant/GiantOne whom is possibly the most influential artist I've stumbled across in years. He also happens to tattoo but lives in SF & I don't (alot).

His koi is heaps fucking better than this one.

One day I'll have a spare $500 to get my Mike Giant koi tattoo, but not today.

Whoah Nelly.. & I mean WHOAH

Not long after drawing fish head I threw down this bad boy.. I dunno I kinda like it in an unplanned sorta way.

I remember thinking "I wonder how I'd draw a horse skull" & 15 seconds later I had this. so In a whirl of poor planning I roughed in a 'body' & promptly run out of paper.

Perhaps I should state that 90% of these sketches are currently done on A4 printer paper folded in half (A5) so I don't have alot of room & often run out of space resulting in unfinished bodies.

He's like a horse... BUT DEAD... spooky

Fish & Pris

I don't know what I was thinking..

Well I kinda do, I think I was thinking "just draw something out there". in the end she wasn't that out there so I stuck a fish in her head.

Prissy with a fish in her head....

Holy Shit! I'm a Zombie Football

Heaps of skulls, ain't that the truth. Well this is simply a page of a day or so at work. Why do I draw skulls all day at work? I'd like to say it's not because my job can be frustrating & boring, but I don't know if thats a lie.

The shocked 'football skull' down the bottom is possibly the runner up for my favourite skull so far. I've had a couple of people say "AWESOME, can I get that as a tattoo" to which I've said "go nuts" but as yet no-ones shown the commitment or lack of disregard for their future employment commitments to follow through on it.

Oh if I didn't mention, the reason most of these look clunky & shitty is cause they are reduced in size, click on them to see the full size versions.

Is there anything that says badass more than a baseball skull with crossed bats ready to break your legs? I don't think so.

Lessons in Bad Grammar

Along with learning how to draw woman, wings, skulls & other crap. I've also been trying to teach myself to graff in an acceptable manner. This for the, most part has been ugly & dissapointing. however this one didn't turn out to bad. possibly because I never cleaned it up so it remained nice & illegible.

First person that can tell me what it says get's the original posted to them free of charge.

Tweet fuckin' tweet

More tattoo inspired sketching, this one is a rendering of the classic bluebird/swallow style you might see on the necks of people you generally don't talk to.

Birds.. I don't know if I get them in general?

Bouquet of DEATH!!!

About 18 months back I worked on a bun ch of illustrations I'll post up here eventually under the working title 'Pencil Case Art' it was a series of ludicrous arrangements of over the top compositions like you (used to?) get on kids pencil cases Dragons fighting robot cars on fire, shit like that. Basically I'd start out with (generally) a Graff Bubble Word & then just keep adding stuff, clouds Fire skulls & obligatory lightning bolts.

That has little to do with this guy but it came from the same school of thought. Thanks Hydro74 for the Sailor Jerry font I dumped on the banner & never got around to pencilling in properly

Has anyone worked out I harbour a love for tattoo art & general hipster bullshit, well yeah I do!

& Now We Get to the Skulls

I think these might be earlier than the SkullHats below but I don't care. the skull with the aviator's & the baseball cap is possibly my favourite ever skull. I had a plan of attaching a body to him & have him playing a LP record with his biny finger instead of the needle, but it looks like I never got around to it..

The other one has lightning bolt bone deformities.. nuff said

everyone loves skulls, if they say they don't they lied to you

Pac Nipples

This was the Piece De Resistance as far as SkullHats go. I spent a fair bit of time detailing but unfortunatly not enough time on proportions & placement resulting in wonky mong eyes. I spose I should also point out that wings are another thing I decided I needed to learn how to draw properly

I can't remember the names of any of the Pac Ghosts... Stinky & Blinky was that it? write in & tell me

Death From Above & a Bit to the Left

Lets get this ball rolling for real, This is Number 2 in a series of 3, Number 1 is below. for about a week I ended up drawing chicks wearing skullhats looking surly. I can't saw what inspired this style other than my self imposed desire to learn how to draw women in my own style better & combining what I'd already spent a fair bit of time nutting out (skulls)

I Have Nipples of Death

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

First Post Possibly the Last as well

I should try to keep some sort of chronoligical order to this so I'll list the earliest pic I have hosted.

I think it's this one