Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Holy Shit! I'm a Zombie Football

Heaps of skulls, ain't that the truth. Well this is simply a page of a day or so at work. Why do I draw skulls all day at work? I'd like to say it's not because my job can be frustrating & boring, but I don't know if thats a lie.

The shocked 'football skull' down the bottom is possibly the runner up for my favourite skull so far. I've had a couple of people say "AWESOME, can I get that as a tattoo" to which I've said "go nuts" but as yet no-ones shown the commitment or lack of disregard for their future employment commitments to follow through on it.

Oh if I didn't mention, the reason most of these look clunky & shitty is cause they are reduced in size, click on them to see the full size versions.

Is there anything that says badass more than a baseball skull with crossed bats ready to break your legs? I don't think so.


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