Bouquet of DEATH!!!
About 18 months back I worked on a bun ch of illustrations I'll post up here eventually under the working title 'Pencil Case Art' it was a series of ludicrous arrangements of over the top compositions like you (used to?) get on kids pencil cases Dragons fighting robot cars on fire, shit like that. Basically I'd start out with (generally) a Graff Bubble Word & then just keep adding stuff, clouds Fire skulls & obligatory lightning bolts.
That has little to do with this guy but it came from the same school of thought. Thanks Hydro74 for the Sailor Jerry font I dumped on the banner & never got around to pencilling in properly
That has little to do with this guy but it came from the same school of thought. Thanks Hydro74 for the Sailor Jerry font I dumped on the banner & never got around to pencilling in properly

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