Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Pull yer dacksup

I'd like to dedicate this post to Jon, Russkill and brian morris, thanks for your kind comments, except Russkill who can go & fuck himself.

I was unaware I had "moderate comments" turned on & was simply assuming no-one cared enough to comment on my work. These guys did & I've now turned moderation off, so feel free to comment like crazy.

This is a perfect example of my drawing, medium poorly chosen (I can't ink this paper as it bleeds like crazy) & me too scared to go any further. I'm really happy with how this one has fallen together but I'm afraid to do anything more to it in case I munch the original...

I'm really thinking this might be the first canvas...

I'm scared

Pretty much sums up life huh? no I don't really think so either


Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks pretty good. the boobs look a little wide on top though. i feel like the top of her chest could curve in a little bit more so that her shoulders dont appear so massive. you did a fantastic job on the pants. cant wait to see where you go with this.

9:34 AM  

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