Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Don't be Koi.... wow I've been reduced to puns

About 6 years ago I found a koi illustration off a Think skateboard deck (team deck from about 95 I think) that I fell in love with. I vowed to get it tattoo'd on my leg one day. To this day I still haven't done it as I'm a tightass & can't bring myself to pony up the $500 it will probalby take to do it.

Not long ago I worked out it was an illustration by Mike Giant/GiantOne whom is possibly the most influential artist I've stumbled across in years. He also happens to tattoo but lives in SF & I don't (alot).

His koi is heaps fucking better than this one.

One day I'll have a spare $500 to get my Mike Giant koi tattoo, but not today.


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