Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pestered by Clouds

It's a skull, I went to Mike Giants 'Southwest' exhibition in Melbourne on the weekend. yes the two are probably very closely related.

I should mention, it's about 600mm square on 6mm MDF board, Sharpie & silver pen accents.. oh the skull has a white biro keyline around it too...

I need to sketch things out & plan a bit more before I start this sort of stuff.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm too cheap to buy cool sneakers..

So I bought a cheap pair of Chuck Taylor (knockoffs) & went to town with a silver pen.

The imagery might seem pretty uninspired but alot of the reference material was from tattoo flash images, I really should make a statement about how I did this as a reaction to the whole Ed Hardy clothing label which is so big in Australia at the moment & that a hand drawn pair of sneakers with traditional flash references is infinately more inspired than such shopping mall tritery... hey look I did just make that statement after all.

I'm currently wondering whether I should keep them or chuck them on eBay & see whether they'll sell..... They're size 10 by the way

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Well it looks like I'm back

It's been a long time between drinks

Well it's been well over a year since I posted anything here, the sad news is that it's actually been well over a year since I really sat down to draw anything other than a crappy sketch on a napkin.

Nothing much more to be said other than, sharpie & metallic red (pink) paint pen on cardboard with white gel roller highlights, it's a touch bigger than A4 size & I'm thinking of trying to find a cheap (ornate) frame for him.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Belated by a long shot Valentines

This week I've been obsessed with birds, mainly the little birds you find on peoples necks. I've seemingly developed my own take on the 'standard' & here is one of em.

Love hearts for eyes are cool....

He's a bit shocked & I don't know how he see's through those love hearts

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ink job

yeah some photoshop colour....

Is he all talk?

I keep making claims that sketches are going to become more than just sketches. So far I'm yet to follow through on any of this. this is probably going to nto change in the near future.

However I am about to start inking this puppy, I'm almost certain I'm going to lunch it so I thought I'd scan & post it before I do.

Anyhoo, if death wasn't a skeletal doom bringer & instead a half naked chick with tattoo's maybe she'd look like this....

I should mention this was scanned off an A3 sheet on my A4 scanner & quite quickly put together, so much so that there's a bit of doubling up on some of the lines.. no don't look for which ones!!!!!


Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Another Day Another Dollar

The other day I bought an A3 pad & some more inking pens, I've never really worked large format before so I thought I'd give it a try, probalby to avoid doing the canvas I've been putting off more than anything.

Anyway here he is, another koi that I don't think I like much

I have nothing to say here

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Pull yer dacksup

I'd like to dedicate this post to Jon, Russkill and brian morris, thanks for your kind comments, except Russkill who can go & fuck himself.

I was unaware I had "moderate comments" turned on & was simply assuming no-one cared enough to comment on my work. These guys did & I've now turned moderation off, so feel free to comment like crazy.

This is a perfect example of my drawing, medium poorly chosen (I can't ink this paper as it bleeds like crazy) & me too scared to go any further. I'm really happy with how this one has fallen together but I'm afraid to do anything more to it in case I munch the original...

I'm really thinking this might be the first canvas...

I'm scared

Pretty much sums up life huh? no I don't really think so either