Thursday, February 16, 2006

Belated by a long shot Valentines

This week I've been obsessed with birds, mainly the little birds you find on peoples necks. I've seemingly developed my own take on the 'standard' & here is one of em.

Love hearts for eyes are cool....

He's a bit shocked & I don't know how he see's through those love hearts

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ink job

yeah some photoshop colour....

Is he all talk?

I keep making claims that sketches are going to become more than just sketches. So far I'm yet to follow through on any of this. this is probably going to nto change in the near future.

However I am about to start inking this puppy, I'm almost certain I'm going to lunch it so I thought I'd scan & post it before I do.

Anyhoo, if death wasn't a skeletal doom bringer & instead a half naked chick with tattoo's maybe she'd look like this....

I should mention this was scanned off an A3 sheet on my A4 scanner & quite quickly put together, so much so that there's a bit of doubling up on some of the lines.. no don't look for which ones!!!!!
